[asterisk-users] Asterisk core dumping on SendFax with FFA

Ben Dinnerville ben at voicelogic.com.au
Wed May 12 08:44:24 CDT 2010

Kevin P. Fleming wrote:

> Like I said, it's a known problem, and the fix should be out within a
> day or two. It was reported to us about a week ago, so if you had
> contacted the support department, it's likely they would have been able
> to shortcut your hair-pulling experience :-)

Hi Kevin,

Thanks for the update. Unfortunately I contacted the support team early 
on in the process (about 35 hours ago) and to date the only response has 
been "Please run the debug process and send us the logs" - so there has 
been much hair pulling in the meanwhile. I have ticket WAJ-201081 logged 
and am awaiting a response - however it would be appreciated if I could 
get my hands on the 1.2.1 version and would be more than happy to test 
it and see if the issue is fixed.



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