[Asterisk-Users] CRM integration (was RE: CallerID)

Michiel van Baak michiel at vanbaak.info
Fri May 27 11:44:14 MST 2005

On 09:01, Fri 27 May 05, Max W Blackmer Jr wrote:
> hello everyone,
> I just had a thought on this subject why not create a daemon process on
> the Client PC That registers its self and What phone the user is
> connected. An AGI script could monitor the progress and when answered
> could send a push to the registered daemon which would push a link to
> the registered daemon on the telephone operators on the desk top. this
> would not waist resource as much as polling?  perhaps the daemon could
> be written in something portable like java or even as a small applet
> that is launched first and minimized to launch the CRM App in a browser
> and could be written into other CRM Applications.
> What are your thoughts on this?
> Max W. Blackmer Jr.

This can be used on client pc's that are configured to allow
external apps to be installed/executed.
What if you are on a terminal in a hotel or fair or
whatever? The solution I made is intended to be used in a
webbased CRM/Groupware app with the filosofy that you will
be totally independent of client hardware.
I have to agree your way takes up less resources, but if you
modify my agi script to write XML file instead of putting
the data back in a DB, the load will be close to 0 (never
seen a current webserver that cannot do less then 1000 xml
file serves per second).
I just don't want to be dependent on the client's ability to
run commands not installed.
Michiel van Baak
michiel at vanbaak.info
GnuPG key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x7E0B9A2D

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