[Asterisk-Users] CRM integration (was RE: CallerID)

Adam Goryachev mailinglists at websitemanagers.com.au
Fri May 27 19:00:09 MST 2005

On Fri, 2005-05-27 at 20:44 +0200, Michiel van Baak wrote:
> This can be used on client pc's that are configured to allow
> external apps to be installed/executed.
> What if you are on a terminal in a hotel or fair or
> whatever? The solution I made is intended to be used in a
> webbased CRM/Groupware app with the filosofy that you will
> be totally independent of client hardware.

Could you use javascript, or java from within the browser, which is both
portable, and likely to work on ANY browser.... that way there is no
installation as such, just visit the page, and leave a browser window
open (minimised) which is 'listening' for connections ??

> I have to agree your way takes up less resources, but if you
> modify my agi script to write XML file instead of putting
> the data back in a DB, the load will be close to 0 (never
> seen a current webserver that cannot do less then 1000 xml
> file serves per second).

Sure, the webserver can serve up probably more than 1000 xml static
files per second, however there are at least two problems with this
method as I mentioned previously:

1) You have a delay between receiving the call and receiving the popup
on-screen (whether it is one second, or 5 seconds, there is a delay)
2) You are increasing network load.... Consider a multi-site
configuration, where you now have web access over the same network as
your voice....
3) You have increased load on both client and server, since the client
must re-load the page each second.

At the end of the day, I'm sure we all agree that a push method is best.

> I just don't want to be dependent on the client's ability to
> run commands not installed.

Yes, I also agree (though not everyone will) that if a push method
requires additional software, then it isn't quite as useful in all

Personally, I don't know enough about all these scripting languages etc,
but if it is possible, then that would be wonderful :)


Adam Goryachev
Website Managers
Ph:  +61 2 9345 4395                        adam at websitemanagers.com.au
Fax: +61 2 9345 4396                        www.websitemanagers.com.au

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