[Asterisk-Users] Who's happy with their voip service?

John Novack jnovack at stromberg-carlson.org
Sat May 7 14:48:37 MST 2005

Michael D Schelin wrote:

> Again in the the last few years VoIP has come a long way as the PSTN 
> has had over 100 years to perfect theirs. If we did not have to 
> interface with the PSTN don't you think we would be better off?  They 
> didn't have to interface with anybody else.

Well, if one studies the history of telephony, one sees that really 
isn't the case

 From the earliest  common battery manual exchanges, step by step,, 
panel, and crossbar offices into digital controlled analog switching  
into full digital switched circuits, service, interconnections was 
maintained, and not always under the control of one company.
There were interface problems that filled books between the various 
switching schemes,

There wouldn't be nearly as many problems if today's engineers read a 
little of the history, and didn't continue to re-invent and discard 
schemes from the past.

And if VOIP is to succeed in any large way in the foreseeable future, it 
had better figure out BETTER ways to interface with the PSTN.


John Novack

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