[Asterisk-video] AppConference important question

Salvatore Frandina salvatore.frandina at gmail.com
Sun Jan 10 03:48:20 CST 2010


I'm writing a report about videoconference support in Asterisk. I have read
in README of AppConference these feature:

Mixing design

* Minimize encoding/decoding, minimize mixing.
* Minimize generational loss from trancoding.
* Usual cases are handled very efficiently:
o One speaker: That speaker's frame is sent directly to each
participant which uses the same codec. It is trancoded
_once_ for each additional codec type used by participants.
o Two speakers: Each speaker gets the other speaker's frames.
The two speaker's frames are decoded and mixed, and then
encoded _once_ for each codec type used by participants.

The underline text says that the plug-in can transcode the video...i try
with two softphone one with h.263 support and the other with h.264 but the
can't see each other, but only myself
Please, can you explain me?


Salvatore Frandina
website: http://frandinas.altervista.org
mail: salvatore.frandina at gmail.com

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