[asterisk-users] Originate with label?

asterisk at phreaknet.org asterisk at phreaknet.org
Mon Aug 29 07:40:16 CDT 2022

On 8/29/2022 8:31 AM, Antony Stone wrote:
> Hi.
> https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Asterisk+16+Application_Originate
> I need to use Originate() in a dialplan, pointing to another location in the
> same extension of the same context, so for example:
> Originate(Local/${Dest}@Dialout,exten,${CONTEXT},${EXTEN},158);
> I don't seem to be able to substitute the priority 158 with a label - is this
> deliberate or is this a bug?

The underlying API that Originate uses here 
(ast_pbx_outgoing_exten_predial) accepts an integer priority, not a 
string, which would preclude labels.
However, Originate itself could accept a string and convert it to the 
integer priority before making that call. I think that would be an 
improvement/new feature, not a bug that exists today, per se, but an 
easy and useful enhancement at that. Another option would be a dialplan 
function to allow users to manually get the integer priority of a label, 
which could be useful for existing code that expects numeric priorities.


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