[asterisk-users] Queue show : failed to extend from 240 to 327

Jonas Kellens jonas.kellens at telenet.be
Sat Sep 10 02:42:50 CDT 2016

On 10-09-16 00:50, Richard Mudgett wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 9, 2016 at 5:37 PM, Jonas Kellens 
> <jonas.kellens at telenet.be <mailto:jonas.kellens at telenet.be>> wrote:
>     Hello
>     when I type on the Asterisk CLi 'queue show', I first get a list
>     of my queues and then the following :
>     failed to extend from 240 to 327
> <snip>
>     failed to extend from 240 to 334
>     I could not find any information on this on the web, except this :
>     https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-8828
>     <https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-8828>
>     which is an old 'bug' that should have been fixed meanwhile.
>     Any more thoughts on why I should be getting this message when
>     asking information about queues (I don't see this message on any
>     other command).
> That message is a result of trying to build a string where the buffer 
> is too
> small to contain it.  I would expect that there is a truncated string 
> in the
> 'queue show' output.
> You haven't stated which Asterisk version you are using.  It may 
> already be fixed.


I have this with asterisk-certified-13.8-cert1 and also with 

Could it be that the membername value (and interface value) in my 
realtime MySQL table queue_members is too long ??

It looks like this :

Local/01_vlaebidvxcrxrheebdin354 at ExternalCallFromQueue
Local/02_vlaebidvxcrxrheebdin114 at ExternalCallFromQueue
Local/03_vlaebidvxcrxrheebdin329 at ExternalCallFromQueue

I have the idea that this is the "problem".

FYI : it also makes that Asterisk restarts (with core dump) whenever a 
queue is addressed. Very /annoying/ !

So string size too large and buffer too small.

FYI : I do not have this with any version of Asterisk 1.8. This is a 
"problem" that exists only in Asterisk 13.

How to fix this ??

Kind regards.


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