[asterisk-users] G729 Licensing Revisited - I'm Sorry!

Jayson Devor jayson.devor at gmail.com
Fri Feb 28 05:57:20 CST 2014

Hello Everyone,

Thank your for your response. There are two critical questions I would
like clarified

1) We do not perform any transcoding whatsoever. All recordings, and
voice mail are in G729,
and allow=g729 for all peers and in sip.conf. Is there anything else
we need to perform "g729 passthrough". More importantly are we still
liable? Given that most vendors support G729, why do some still
require the need to transcode?

2) If we decide that we require to purchase licenses, can we purchase
23 licenses and continue to use the open source version?

> Darryl Said
> The real question is: is there really any choice other than Digium for the licence? Due to
> the dual licensing of the asterisk code, even if you could license the codec elsewhere, you > might be violating Digium's OSS license when you don't but their commercial asterisk
> license.

This only applies to the commercial versions of the codec right? We
are still ok in respect to Digium's OSS license with the open source
should we decide to continue using that version?

I really appreciate some light on this gentlemen.


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