[asterisk-users] meetme race condition

Jerry Geis geisj at pagestation.com
Sun Nov 18 21:49:07 CST 2012

I think "I" have a race condition.

I am running something like this in my dialplan

call agi to bring my "list" of devices into my MeetMe
Playback beep
start MeetMe()

So in fact the meetme is not started before I bring the list
of devices into the meetme.

How can I do this differently so the MeetMe is started first
or how can I wait in my AGI on the MeetMe to start because
the MeetMe wont start until I exit the AGI...

- or how do I in the dialplan wait for for the Meetme because I
do have a stage where I redirect the Call into the MeetMe.
so how do I inject a line that waits there for the MeetMe to be active???



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