[asterisk-users] allowguest = yes? no?

Gilles codecomplete at free.fr
Tue Jan 24 09:37:59 CST 2012

On Tue, 24 Jan 2012 09:26:26 -0600, "Kevin P. Fleming"
<kpfleming at digium.com> wrote:
>By definition this is impossible. If the caller is a 'stranger', that 
>means you have no knowledge of them prior to their INVITE request 
>arriving at your server. If you have no knowledge of them, then you 
>don't have any 'shared secret', and thus they cannot authenticate to 
>your server.

Mmm, so if I want to allow strangers to call us over the Net, I must
1. allowgues=yes
2. make sure the context they enter will not allow them to make calls
through the PSTN, either directly (through our plug in the wall) or
indirectly (through an ITSP).

Thank you.

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