[asterisk-users] Can't make calls out of Astribank - show regdump doesn't show voltage - Getting warning due to old driver

Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com
Tue Jun 22 04:25:36 CDT 2010

On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 12:58:00AM -0400, bruce bruce wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> An 8 channel 


> Astribank is connected to Trixbox 2.8 and I ran
> freepbx-module-zapauto but I get the following when running these
> commands and can't make calls out:
> [Trixbox]# dahdi_genconf xpporder
> /usr/sbin/dahdi_genconf: warning - OLD DRIVER: missing
> '/sys/bus/xpds/devices/00:0:0/timing_priority'. Fall back to /proc

Which one, exactly? Trixbox originally had rather dates DAHDI drivers. I
believe you should now be able to find much newer ones. At least in
their repos.

> pbx*CLI> dahdi show channels
> Chan Extension Context Language MOH Interpret Blocked State
> pseudo default default In Service
> 1 from-pstn default In Service
> 2 from-pstn default In Service
> 3 from-pstn default In Service
> 4 from-pstn default In Service
> 5 from-pstn default In Service
> 6 from-pstn default In Service
> 7 from-pstn default In Service
> 8 from-pstn default In Service
> pbx*CLI> dahdi show status
> Description Alarms IRQ bpviol CRC4 Fra Codi Options LBO
> Xorcom XPD #00/00: FXO OK 0 0 0 CAS Unk YEL 0 db (CSU)/0-133 feet (DSX-1)
> pbx*CLI> dahdi show regdump 1
> Unable to get registers on channel 1
> Unable to get stats on channel 1

I believe that regdump uses some specific interface to the Digium card.
If you want a bunch of technical information you don't really
understand, look under /proc/xpp/ . I'm not going to start explaining it

> [Trixbox]# dahdi_hardware -v
> /usr/sbin/dahdi_hardware: warning - OLD DRIVER: missing
> '/sys/bus/xpds/devices/00:0:0/timing_priority'. Fall back to /proc
> usb:002/002 xpp_usb+ e4e4:1162 Astribank-modular FPGA-firmware
> LABEL=[usb:X1044207] CONNECTOR=@usb-0000:00:1d.7-4
> XBUS-00/XPD-00: FXO (8) Span 1 DAHDI-SYNC
> Note: This Astribank is deployed in United Arab Emirates and I am not
> sure what the line type is in terms of Ground or Loop start and
> wondering if that makes a difference with the Astribank and the fact
> that it can't how the voltage using "show regdump"

IIRC they use LS (That is: no power denial is used at the end of a

> And I am definitly not sure what that warning of OLD DRIVER is about.
> Any help is appreciated.

At the time we wrote it, we relied heavily on procfs. However procfs is
not something that can be safely used when the module is loaded or
removed. This is a fine way to get panics. Thus we gradually moved many
things from /proc to /sys .

Typically such a message would mean a combination of older dahdi-linux
(loaded) and newer dahdi-tools. Though it's a warning, and not an error.

               Tzafrir Cohen
icq#16849755              jabber:tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com
+972-50-7952406           mailto:tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com
http://www.xorcom.com  iax:guest at local.xorcom.com/tzafrir

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