[asterisk-users] 0800 UK number

Gordon Henderson gordon+asterisk at drogon.net
Wed Jan 14 11:51:17 CST 2009

On Wed, 14 Jan 2009, Thomas Kenyon wrote:

> Danny Nicholas wrote:
>> Why are you using a text message when you could be recording a message and
>> sending it out?  This would possibly be clearer than a "read-and-callback"
>> scenario?
> Do you think so?
> Remembering that most people, if they pick up the phone to hear a
> recorded message will immediately hang up without listening to it, then
> there's the few that will listen and not get it or understand, either
> because they have answered their phone in a crowded room expecting a
> real person to be on the end or because a lot of the time you don't hear
> a recorded message the first time you listen to it (even if you're
> expecting it to be recorded).
> I think a text message is a much more elegant way (presumably relayed
> though an SMSC so that sending the message to all users doesn't take a
> day to do).

It's about 5 seconds to send a message with a GSM terminal, so 20 minutes 
for 250... Which might be OK, depending on the number of messages 
required... (Although cost is another factor - for those not in the UK, it 
costs to send a text message, and it's free to receive)


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