[asterisk-users] Blank Voicemail.Conf after Password Change

Tilghman Lesher tilghman at mail.jeffandtilghman.com
Mon Nov 3 15:11:10 CST 2008

On Monday 03 November 2008 12:19:31 Leah Newmark wrote:
> The directory is owned by asterisk and permissions seem fine there too:
> drwxrwxr-x 9 asterisk asterisk 3072 2008-11-03 13:12 .
> I never see a voicemail.conf.new created. I have done a locate on the
> whole server and don't see a blank one there either which might be
> causing any confusion.

In 1.4, it no longer creates any such file.  Instead, it creates a randomly
named file, designed to be unique, starting with "voicemail.conf." and
ending with 6 random characters.

> ps xaguwww confirms asterisk is running as UID asterisk:
> asterisk 24560  1.0  3.1  50648 32692 ?        Ssl  Oct02 506:35
> /usr/sbin/asterisk -U asterisk
> I see that it's been up for a while, and I'm wondering if that coincides
> with when we started noticing this behavior. I'd have to restart
> asterisk to use strace, but restarting for all I know might help...
> Any other input before I do so?

Please try the following patch:


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