[asterisk-users] noun-verb vs verb-noun aka dogs black vs black dogs

SIP sip at arcdiv.com
Wed Dec 19 17:57:53 CST 2007

Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 19, 2007 at 02:47:39PM -0800, Steve Edwards wrote:
>> This only "works" because you are closed to the alternative. The alternative
>> (verb-noun) works fine for the above referenced applications and many more.
>> Do you want to "tally" the number of users of applications that use
>> noun-verb instead of verb-noun? Is there a reason verb-noun works fine for
>> them and not for us?
> OK, here's a small usability test to your idea:
> Here's a partial list of actions from asterisk 1.4. 
> Which of them is supported by your hypothetical MGCP device?
> (no cheating, please)
> active
> add
> answer
> audit
> autoanswer
> boost
> clear
> convert
> del
> deltree
> dial
> dumphtml
> flash
> get
> hangup
> logoff
> mute
> put
> reload
> remove
> save
> send
> set
> show
> showkey
> transfer
> unmute
I agree that CURRENTLY, there's no way to make everything verb noun.
However, I could completely see a requirement for all modules to
register their syntax variations with a CLI interpreter, so that if you
typed IN a verb, the CLI interpreter would know to which modules that
verb applies because the modules have registered their verbs.

That's generally the way it's done in interpreters which are V-N for

Of course, that might take a whole rewrite and be completely
impractical. But hey.... it COULD be done....


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