[asterisk-users] noun-verb vs verb-noun aka dogs black vs black dogs

Steve Edwards asterisk.org at sedwards.com
Wed Dec 19 17:57:05 CST 2007

On Thu, 20 Dec 2007, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 19, 2007 at 02:47:39PM -0800, Steve Edwards wrote:
>> This only "works" because you are closed to the alternative. The alternative
>> (verb-noun) works fine for the above referenced applications and many more.
>> Do you want to "tally" the number of users of applications that use
>> noun-verb instead of verb-noun? Is there a reason verb-noun works fine for
>> them and not for us?
> OK, here's a small usability test to your idea:
> Here's a partial list of actions from asterisk 1.4.
> Which of them is supported by your hypothetical MGCP device?
> (no cheating, please)
> active
> add
> answer
> audit
> autoanswer
> boost
> clear
> convert
> del
> deltree
> dial
> dumphtml
> flash
> get
> hangup
> logoff
> mute
> put
> reload
> remove
> save
> send
> set
> show
> showkey
> transfer
> unmute

I don't have a hypothetical MGCP device. I don't even have a real MGCP 
device. I'm guessing MGCP is some sort of technology like IAX or SIP.

These are not actions, but pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

The "leaves" only have meaning when they are attached to branches, 


doesn't mean anything, but "show black dogs" does.

If cheating isn't allowed, I'd guess at assembling these words into 
commands like:

 	show [active] mgcp channels
 	hangup [mgcp] channel xyz
 	set [mgcp] channel xyz boost [=] 5

But this doesn't prove or disprove anything except my ignorance of MGCP. A 
more meaningful exercise would be "How would you "phrase" a command to 
show the configuration or status of a channel?" or "How would you "phrase" 
a command to set the transmit gain of a channel?

I would do it like this:

 	show [iax|mgcp|sip|zap] channel xyz [configuration|status]
 	set channel xyz [receive|transmit] gain [=] 5

But I am open to alternatives :)

Thanks in advance,
Steve Edwards      sedwards at sedwards.com      Voice: +1-760-468-3867 PST
Newline                                             Fax: +1-760-731-3000

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