[asterisk-users] Asterisk <=> E1 <=> Alcatel OXO

Tomislav Parčina tparcina at lama.hr
Thu Sep 28 05:28:24 MST 2006

Hi list!

Has anyone of you connected Asterisk (Digium TE205) with Alcatel OXO thru E1 lines? I need to configure Asterisk so that every call from Alcatel OXO passes thru it. Asterisk will be between my provider (T-com in Croatia) and Alcatel.

Thing is that, probably next week, I'll go on site to install Asterisk. And I need to prepare as best I can to make it work. And as far as I'm concern, best preparation would be working configuration. So, if anyone of you has done it, please send me your zapata.conf, zaptel.conf and extensions.conf files.

Thank you.

Tomislav Parčina
Lama Computers Split
Stinice 12, 21000 Split
Tel.: +385(21)495148
Mob.: +385(91)1212148
SIP: tomo at pbx.lama.hr
e-mail: tparcina#lama.hr

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