[asterisk-users] Survey: In what ways do you use Asterisk at your house?

Michiel van Baak michiel at vanbaak.info
Mon Nov 13 14:45:33 MST 2006

On 14:50, Mon 13 Nov 06, Earle Clubb wrote:
> The main thing I'm trying to do right now is replace my answering 
> machine with *-based voicemail.  I want to retain the ability to screen 
> calls (listen on a speaker while a person is leaving a message), but I'm 
> not sure of the best way to go about this.  Recommendations are 
> welcome.  Note that my * box and answering machine are on two different 
> floors in my house, so running a speaker in the kitchen (answering 
> machine location) from the sound card on the * box is doable, but not 
> desirable.

There's an example of how to do it on the wiki
(http://voip-info.org). Cant find it right now but google
can help you here and maybe someone here knows what page I
mean and can post it

> The main reason for this e-mail is to see what other people are doing.
> - What service provider/technology do you use for origination/termination?

I use IAX2 and have a X100P to terminate my analog
phoneline. I dont use the analog line so all asterisk does
here is play a soundfile that tells ppl to call my main

> - What hardware/software do you use and how does it all tie together?

A X100P for the analog line. The machine itself is a Debian
testing machine running on a P3 600Mhz with 256 MB Ram

> - What tasks do you use * to accomplish?

Home phone number, business number and conference number.

> - Any other pertinent info.

I have setup mythtv at home. Asterisk is linked with it with
some scripting. What it does is:
If a call comes in it puts my livetv on pause and displays
callerid information on my tv. I can decide with my remote
control to send it to voicemail or I can pickup the phone.
When the call is hangup I have 20 seconds to get back on the
sofa and the tv will continue to play. Gotta love that !

It does some other stuff like reading rss feeds and system
status etc, but that's just something for me as a geek.

Good luck with your system. It will be fun, believe me.


Michiel van Baak
michiel at vanbaak.eu
GnuPG key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x71C946BD

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