[Asterisk-Users] Delay when ringing internal extensions on incoming zap call

Derek Lee-Wo dleewo at gmail.com
Tue May 16 14:28:15 MST 2006

> > - After the first ring on my cell, Asterisk logs to the CLI that is
> > has an incoming call
> > - After the second ring, it kicks off part of the incoming call context
> I fixed this by setting:
> usecallerid=no
> in zapata.conf

I made this change and it helped in that it reduced the number of
rings.  So instead of taking 3 rings, it's taking 2.

I notice after the first ring, I see the following in the CLI:

    -- Starting simple switch on 'Zap/4-1'
    -- Executing Goto("Zap/4-1", "from-pstn|1347|1") in new stack
    -- Goto (from-pstn,1347,1)
    -- Executing Set("Zap/4-1", "FROM_DID=1347") in new stack
    -- Executing Set("Zap/4-1", "FAX_RX=disabled") in new stack
    -- Executing Answer("Zap/4-1", "") in new stack
    -- Executing PlayTones("Zap/4-1", "ring") in new stack
    -- Executing NVFaxDetect("Zap/4-1", "0") in new stack

I then get a pause andafter the second ring I then see:

    -- Executing Goto("Zap/4-1", "ext-local|200|1") in new stack
    -- Goto (ext-local,200,1)
    -- Executing Macro("Zap/4-1", "exten-vm|200|200") in new stack
    -- Executing Macro("Zap/4-1", "user-callerid") in new stack
    -- Executing Set("Zap/4-1", "AMPUSER=") in new stack
    -- Executing Set("Zap/4-1", "EMERGENCYCID=") in new stack
    -- Executing Set("Zap/4-1", "AMPUSERCIDNAME=") in new stack
    -- Executing GotoIf("Zap/4-1", "1?6") in new stack


I wonder if the NvFaxDetect() call is causing the extra delay.  I
guess I can manually edit the files (I foundi it in one file after my
cursury check) to remove that line, but I'm a bit reluctant to do that
since I use AMP within Asterisk at Home to do my configuration.

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