[asterisk-users] Don't Hit # after 9 to get PSTN line

Pablo Mora pablo at espoltel.net
Wed Jul 19 06:27:17 MST 2006

Hi all,


Iv' got a problem taking lines to call from SIP to PSTN. I have to press #
after 9 to get ringtone, otherwise I would have to wait above 15 seconds.




exten => 9,1,Dial,Zap/g1/9

exten => 9,2,Hangup

exten => 9,102,Congestion


The problem occurs when the user doesn't complete the call, and hangup after
pressing only 9.  If these events occur twice consecutively, Asterisk
attempts to native bridge between 2 channels.


I think the problem is that # is being used like a transfer trigger. But
when I deactivate these feature, I have to wait 15 second after press 9 no
get line.


What can I do??  What should I do to get line without spend this time? 



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