[asterisk-users] Bug in chan_sip mysql support and canreinvite?

Roger Schreiter roger at planinternet.de
Wed Jul 5 04:46:21 MST 2006


I did not yet study the newest chan_sip.c versions, but
it seems, that chan_sip treats mysql-peers different from
other peers, concerning the variable canreinvite.

If this variable is not explicitely set for a peer or user in
sip.conf, the global value for canreinvite in sip.conf is
taken for this peer or user.

This seems to be different for users defined via mysql table
sipfriends. For those users canreivite in generally "no".

I just patched chan_sip.c (asterisk 1.0.10) to change this, and now
reinvite works fine for me.

Has anyone experiences with more recent asterisk versions (1.2.x)
concerning reinvite for sipfriends users?

Hasn't sipfriends been replaced by anything newer in 1.2.x? Thus,
I assume, there is no need to open a bug notice in mantis.


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