[Asterisk-Users] Access Codes

Ronald Wiplinger ronald at elmit.com
Sun Jan 29 17:12:52 MST 2006

Dakota wrote:
> I would like to setup Asterisk as follows:
> When users make inter-office calls they can dial the extensions, 
> however if they want to make an external call, that they enter a code 
> on their phone, before they external call can go through.
> We would like to give each user an access code, this way we can limit 
> certain employees from making certain calls to certain places.
> What's the best recommendation for this?

Use astcc   (prepaid card system) with pin! You can give the rates all 
to free if you want. Give each one who is allowed a balance, if they do 
not have, they cannot call.
You also would have a nice statistic for each call, ....


Ronald Wiplinger

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