[Asterisk-Users] Re: RE : codecs order and so on

Tomislav Parcina tparcina at lama.hr
Wed Jan 11 04:27:58 MST 2006

In article <005101c61687$b878d340$6402a8c0 at olivierg>, 
olivier.taylor at gmail.com says...
> In extensions.conf, I change the context for each call, Asterisk doesn't
> care of codecs in contexts, it uses the order of general...
> Could be good to have Ssterisk making a match between codecs in General and
> the context used to make a call
> But definitiely, Asterisk choose g729 even if I am in the zap context
> Any idea, help is welcome.

Phones usualy use only one prefered codec. So, if your phone supports 
ulaw and g729, it will use only one of those two to communicate with *. 

Once the phone is authenticated with * he allways use the same codec. So 
you have to get use that on that side is that specific codec. What is on 
another side (SIP, Zap, IAX2...) and what codec other side uses, 
determinates do you need codec translation in * box. If you need codec 
translation then you need to have licence (for g729).

I hope I have make it clear for you.

Count do you get more outside ulaw or g729 calls (at the same time). If 
you get more ulaw calls then use ulaw codec on SIP phones. Buy the same 
number of g729 licences as you need simultanius phone calls to that 


Tomislav Parcina
name.surname at email.t-com.hr

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