[Asterisk-Users] newbie install problem. And I already searchedeverywhere!

Jeroen Baten jbaten at i2rs.nl
Sat Sep 3 11:43:31 MST 2005

Op zaterdag 3 september 2005 18:04, schreef Werner Johansson:
> This configuration looks strange. You know that the "channel" word sets
> those channels to the "latest" settings above, right? The syntax is a bit
> weird. That means that your signalling looks odd - first you set it to
> bri_cpe_ptmp and then to bri_net, meaning that bri_net overrides the
> previous setting. I'm a bit confused about the PRI signalling here, it
> looks like you're using a BRI card, so why pridialplan? I haven't played
> around with BRI equipment together with Asterisk (yet) so maybe the PRI
> signalling should be there..

As per your suggestion I commented the odd things out. No joy still :-)

; Zapata telephony interface
; Configuration file

; Default language
; Default context
switchtype = euroisdn

; p2mp TE mode
;signalling = bri_cpe_ptmp

; p2p TE mode
;signalling = bri_cpe
; p2mp NT mode
;signalling = bri_net_ptmp
; p2p NT mode
signalling = bri_net

;pridialplan = national
;prilocaldialplan = local
;nationalprefix = 0
;internationalprefix = 00

;echotraining = 100

group = 1
context = default
channel => 1-2

> What is ztcfg -vv giving as output if you run it?

server:/var/log/asterisk # ztcfg -vv

Zaptel Configuration

SPAN 1: CCS/ AMI Build-out: 399-533 feet (DSX-1)

Channel map:

Channel 01: Individual Clear channel (Default) (Slaves: 01)
Channel 02: Individual Clear channel (Default) (Slaves: 02)
Channel 03: D-channel (Default) (Slaves: 03)

3 channels configured.

server:/var/log/asterisk # 

BTW: thanks for looking in to this.

kind regards,

  Jeroen Baten            | EMAIL :  JBATEN at I2RS.NL
 ____  _  __              | web   :  www.i2rs.nl
  |  )|_)(_               | tel   :  +31 (0)499 477 688
 _|_/_| \__)              | fax   :  +31 (0)499 476 804
Roerlaan 36, 5691 HJ, Son, the Netherlands

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