[Asterisk-Users] Which asterisk-friendly cards are fax-capable?

ewr at erols.com ewr at erols.com
Thu Oct 13 08:59:22 MST 2005

> I have no clear idea how many people actually use my software for fairly 
> high volumes. There are now clearly many thousands successfully using it 
> for modest levels of faxing. I have heard from a few people doing rather 
> higher volumes than you. Other people have problem - I mean genuine 
> problems, rather than the frame slips issues. I don't get enough feedback 
> to really work out what it going on with those troublesome installations.

What is the best way to determine if problems are "genuine" problems or are 
frame-slip issues?

I have a dual xeon 3.0/2GB ram with a T100P connected to a PRI.  We do not 
have a very high fax volume.  Right now we recieve about 15 faxes per day, 
with each fax tending to be anywhere from 5 to 25 pages.  (e.g. 75 to 375 
pages/day)  I have found 3 specific fax machines (all 3 are internal fax 
machines at our remote offices) that refuse to fax even a single page to 
spanDSP.  2 of the machines are HP machines, and the the 3rd was a brand I'd 
never heard of.  I can attempt (and fail) to send from one of the 3 
"problem" machines and then immediately send a perfect 25 page fax from one 
of our other machines.

zttest shows 100% most of the time, but 99.987793%'s pop up in there 
sometimes.  I'm guessing this is an indication of frame-slips.  Do some fax 
machines just have better error correction than others?

All 3 of the "problem" faxe machines belong to us, so if the problem does 
not sound like frame-slips, I can provide any kind of testing or logs that 
might help determine what the issue is.


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