[Asterisk-Users] TE110P module woes

Alfredo Sola alfredo at intelideas.com
Mon Mar 7 01:42:06 MST 2005

>>> the TE405 and TE410.   They apparently can get locked up, and only a 
>>> power cycle will clear it.

> My feeling (unsupported) is that the powercycle does a better job of 
> forcing the far end
> of an E1 (e.g. the PTT's equipment) to start afresh than just 
> reinitializing the cards.

	I have performed the following sequence:

	- Unplug the PRI. The green light stays ON!
	- modprobe -r wcte11xp. Green light stays ON
	- modprobe wcte11xp. Green light stays ON, ztcfg returns same error.
	- power down. At last, green light off!
	- power up. Red light blinking at about 1 Hz.
	- re-plug the PRI. Green light on immediately.
	- Asterisk won't start, known problem (ownership of /dev/zap should be 
asterisk... Another thing for the owner of Makefile). Corrected; on 
console, wcte1xxp says it sets/clears yellow alarm as Asterisk stops/starts.

	So... The driver works in any kernel I have tried, but if the card gets 
stuck, the driver won't take it out of that state. A power cycle, not 
even a reset, is required to recover functionality.

	Now asking at the Digium gurus, is this a software-correctable issue, 
and if it is, when will it get corrected?

	I don't think you can go to a customer and tell him to "reboot the PBX 
if it doesn't work", like a windows 98, especially after shelling out a 
nice amount for the card.

	If anybody is interested in further testing or data, please mail me 


Alfredo Sola

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