[Asterisk-Users] SoftPhones: Bad, or just bad QoS?

Lists lists at netwvcom.com
Sun Jul 17 08:33:32 MST 2005

On Sunday 17 July 2005 05:19, Tom Rymes wrote:
> [snip]

> away. Central phone config means that I can make a change at 8:00PM and
> all of my users will have received it when the offices open in the AM,
> but softphones means I would have to remind everyone to leave their PCs
> on so I could remotely change the software config via VNC, and I don't

You can (often) get around that by having each client automatically check for 
updates when the user logs in. I had a batch file for each user that looked 
for a file and then executed it if found. I got a lot of changes done this 
way. Of course your milage may vary, but it's amazing what you can do with a 
bit of ingenuity.


List Manager
Network Voice Comunications, Inc.

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