[Asterisk-Users] Troubles with Broadvoice (register) {Scanned}

Paul digium-list at 9ux.com
Thu Jan 20 18:02:37 MST 2005

We could modify /etc/hosts and it is also possible to do the same with 
dns. I could do something that makes sure bvproxy.private.lan is always 
returning the IP with the best ping results. Either way we still have 2 
issues to tackle first:

1) As I noted before the host with the best current ping time was not 
working for SIP but switching to one with a higher ping time worked. So 
we actually need to do something SIP-related.

2) Does * check /etc/hosts or do dns lookups every time registration is 
done or an an outbound call is placed?

Additionally, we certainly don't want to be constantly contacting a 
group of servers to determine which one is best to use.

All this makes me think out loud of a better approach, although it is 
one that will probably involve patching the source. For any set of 
registration credentials we need to be able to specify a few things in 
sip.conf(or iax.conf) and let * handle the rest internally after that.

for each [account] context we need a few parameters

h - list of hosts to scan in initial order of preference

mint - min time between rescans to keep provider from getting pissed

maxt - max time between rescans

great - performance level not worth messing with

crappy - performance level that sucks

conditions - current performance level updated by normal call activity 
and normal periodic checks to see if we are still registered.

whenever conditions are great no further scanning is done

whenever conditions are between great and crappy periodic rescanning is 
done to try and find a better host. The period could actually be 
calculated so that rescanning is done less often as conditions improve.

Whenever conditions are crappy rescanning is  done  at  interval  mint

Allowing flexible logging options in the [account] context would be 
helpful in evaluating providers

David Shaw wrote:

>Thinking out load here. 
>Could we replace the hostname in the sip.conf to something like
>"broadvoice". Then have a script ping all the proxys for broadvoice then
>write the best IP address in the /etc/hosts?
>register => <accountid>@broadvoice
>host file
>XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX broadvoice
>This should keep us from reloading asterisk????
>Just thinking out load....
>On Thu, 2005-01-20 at 11:11, Helder Rogério [MICROREDE] wrote:
>>It was a problem regarding the register => not being at the top of the
>>[general] section of sip.conf
>>----- Original Message ----- 
>>From: "Helder Rogério [MICROREDE]" <hrogerio at microrede.pt>
>>To: "Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion"
>><asterisk-users at lists.digium.com>
>>Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 4:21 PM
>>Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Troubles with Broadvoice (register)
>>>But the only server they gave for sip registration is sip.broadvoice.com I
>>>have several for outbound proxy proxy.chi.broadvoice.com and etc...
>>>Do you have any other for sip?
>>>Best regards,
>>>----- Original Message ----- 
>>>From: "Paul" <digium-list at 9ux.com>
>>>To: "Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion"
>>><asterisk-users at lists.digium.com>
>>>Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 4:15 PM
>>>Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Troubles with Broadvoice (register)
>>>>Sometimes I have problems and changing to another of their servers makes
>>>>it start working again. There probably is a way to make * deal with this
>>>>properly. I am using the broadvoice account for test purposes at this
>>>>time so I just edit sip.conf and restart * when this happens. What I
>>>>have observed is that the server I can't register with will still have
>>>>good ping times when this happens.
>>>>Helder Rogério [MICROREDE] wrote:
>>>>>Are you also getting in trouble while trying to register in Broadvoice?
>>>>>Cumprimentos / Best regards,
>>>>>Helder Rogério
>>>>>Microrede - Tecnologias de Informação, Ltd.
>>>>>« There are only two types of people in the world, those who have lost
>>>>>and those who will. »
>>>>>-- Richard Nixon
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