[Asterisk-Users] TDM400P FXO channel hookstate always "Offhook" & outbound digits sent before provider dialtone

Rich Adamson radamson at routers.com
Fri Aug 12 16:16:11 MST 2005

> >>I have an Asterisk at Home 1.3 server (Asterisk 1.0.9) and recently added a
> >>TDM400P with (1) FXO card on port 4. Inbound calls are always successful
> >>but outbound calls fail 75% of the time with intercept messages from my
> >>dial tone provider that include "we're sorry, your call did not go
> >>through", and "we're sorry, when placing a local call it is now
> >>necessary to dial an area code and the 7-digit number".
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >Add a "w" in the dial string within extensions.conf. The "w" adds a short
> >delay before sending the dtmf to the telco, which is likely happening
> >too fast for the telco switch.
> >  
> >
> Is that undocumented?
> The wiki entry for the Dial() command says:
> w: Allow the /called/ user to start recording after pressing *1 or what 
> defined in features.conf (Asterisk > v1.0.x)
> To add a short delay to one of my remote FXO lines, I added A(silence/2) 
> to the dial string.

I don't recall seeing any changes come through for that, and "w" does add
the delay before sending dtmf. Lots of folks use it, so I'd have to guess
that either the 'show application dial' displays the help for w used in
a different context. Embedded the "w" in the called number, and it will
add about 200 milliseconds of delay. Multiple w's add more delay.

If you use google to search the archives, you find lots of references to

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