[Asterisk-Users] Asterisk with Primus Talkbroadband

Geoff Nordli geoffn at gnaa.net
Wed Sep 8 12:19:51 MST 2004

asterisk-users-bounces at lists.digium.com wrote:
>> Jon,
>> Does Primus actually use MGCP though?  I've heard mix
>> results (though keep in mind I only became interested
>> in all of this earlier today, so I know very little).
>> I checked the specs on my dlink and it says it's SIPs
>> with no mention of MGCP.  However everywhere else says
>> Primus is not SIPs.
> What is the exact model of your gateway ?
> There is an M and S model that are very similar in
> looks/features except
> one is sip and one is mgcp (at least last time I looked in detail at
> what they were supplying)
> What ports did you open in your firewall for this to work ? that
> should be another way to tell unless you are wide open.
> I would try it but I really don't want yet another number, I have
> numbers in Mississauga and St.Catharines I would like to migrate as
> long as it is decent quality.
>> As far as quality, I've had mixed results as well.
>> One of my co-workers says it sounds horrible, but no
>> one else seems to notice anything.  Could be the fact
>> that I'm using a cordless phone though.  Incoming call
>> quality seems pretty good.  Even when downloading at
>> 500K/sec+ it still seems to sound pretty good with
>> only minor choppiness.  My best suggestion though, is
>> to get it for a month or so and try it out seeing as
>> it's only $20/month.
>>  --- Jon Pounder <JonP at inline.net> wrote:
>>> I have asked before and got no answers - I am still not clear as to
>>> why there is not an MGCP client as part of asterisk - is it a
>>> technical reason, no one else wants it, other ?
>>> It is my understanding primus is using mgcp, and
>>> therefore is unable to
>>> directly interface with asterisk, password or not.
>>> I would like to hear your experiences with quality
>>> though since I am
>>> considering switching to it anyway and run the dlink boxes into my
>>> channel bank for now, and figure out the software issues
>>> later.
>>>> Hey,
>>>> I've checked all over and can't find what I need to
>>>> know, so I'm posting here.  I want to use Asterisk
>>>> with my Primus VoIP service but it seems I need a
>>>> username and password to authenticate with at Primus.
>>>> Has anyone had any experience with this?  How did you
>>>> get it?  Is it stored somewhere in the D-Link gateway
>>>> they gave me?  Thanks in advance and sorry if this
>>>> makes no sense.  I'm completely new to this.
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>>>> Asterisk-Users mailing list

I did a packet sniff and it is definitely MGCP.

I find that the quality hasn't been great.  I am looking at moving to
something different.  It frequently drops calls, but I don't know if it is
the NAT device that does it.  I would like to find something that is a
little bit more Asterisk friendly.  I just need to find a provider that can
give me DIDs in various BC locations.

I have the 1120M/PR model.

Have a great day!


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