[Asterisk-Users] Where to buy POLYCOM phones?

Jay Milk jay at skimmilk.net
Mon Oct 18 11:48:15 MST 2004

> Is it like a game?? Let's see who can be an ass first!!! 
> "Someone asked a question that I can refer them to google 
> for!! I better mash that reply button so I can be the cool guy!!!"

Very perceptive -- but don't be fooled by the few loud ones.  There are
a good number of smart people on this list who keep quiet unless they
have something to contribute.  And when they do contribute, it's
actually worth reading.

Personally, I've begun adding certain posters to my list of junk
senders... Like the infantile brit who insists on spelling his name
across a quarter of the screen while at the same time complaining about
html, top-posters, freedom, and whatever else he has his teeth into at
the time.

May I propose to the list to use off-list replies for things such as
"turn off your html", etc, and/or don't respond unless you have a reply
or request for further information?

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