[Asterisk-Users] Asterisk firewall config

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Sat May 22 16:52:48 MST 2004

Brancaleoni Matteo wrote:

> if you plan to do only IAX, only port 4569 UDP needs to be opened.
> but if you plan to do only sip you need only port 5060 UDP
> and 10000 to 20000 UDP for sip rtp stream (configurable
> into rtp.conf)
> so... all depends :)

Surely it depends on who's calling me - if they're using a SIP phone it'll 
come in over the SIP port, and if they're using an IAX phone it'll come in 
over the IAX port - ie there's this context in the default iax.conf:

callerid="Guest IAX User"

Which I assume is there for a reason... otherwise why have it?

btw. how many rtp streams do I need?  I only have 1 phone at the moment (max. 
will be about 4 I think).

> otherwise... use very strange passwords along with superstrange
> usernames.... I bet someone to get a login data like
> username : 2h729872pcnt
> with pw  : inr2.f2f2232DDFW3r

I already use pretty strange/long passwords...  the recommendation always 
seems to be make username==extension number, though.


Te audire no possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.

Tony Hoyle <tmh at nodomain.org>  Key ID: 104D/4F4B6917 2003-09-13
Fingerprint: 063C AFB4 3026 F724 0AA2  02B8 E547 470E 4F4B 6917

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