[Asterisk-Users] how many potential customers out there utilizing AIX

dfeuer dfeuer at cox.net
Wed Mar 17 16:38:45 MST 2004

Hi Everyone,


We are a service provider looking at integrating *, and notice there are
a lot of issues with the company's out there that offer services with


If there were a $20.00 a month program which included unified
communications with the * platform or just straight termination and
origination and it included all the calls in-bound and out bound in the
US, and really competitive rates for outside of the US, is there a large
market for these services.  We would offer a "one number" application
which would include fax with that number and a local phone number as
well as offer toll-free numbers for the continental US.


The service quality that we would provide has to at least be that of the
local RBOC's and hopefully exceed it.  


It would also be easy to offer termination on a pre-paid basis say for
.02 cents per min in the US through the network.


Could people please tell me if it is a market worth really pursuing??  




Don Feuer

(949) 279-5290


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