[Asterisk-Users] X100P panic

steve at nexusuk.org steve at nexusuk.org
Wed Jul 21 15:49:10 MST 2004

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 21 Jul 2004, Steven Critchfield wrote:

> I'm betting by that module list you had X up, and you have a TV capture
> card, maybe even trying to capture video. I bet you where even doing it

It probably did have X up, yes..  and it does have a TV card in the box.  
However, the TV card wasn't being used and it still crashes without X 
running, so I can't see that's the problem.  The X100P is also not sharing 
any IRQs with anything else.  Unfortunately, at the moment that machine is 
the only "always on" machine I have got with any free PCI slots.

> on IDE drives. If so, your answer is obvious.

Yes, it's got an IDE drive running in UDMA133 mode so there shouldn't be a 
lot of interrupt load from that.  That particular box quite happilly MPEG4 
encodes video off the TV card in real time whilest playing back MPEG4 
video at the same time without dropping frames so it shouldn't have any 
problem at all dealing with a single phone line while it's completely 

> On the chance I am wrong, start unloading those drivers and see if you
> can still crash it.

I'll give that a go tomorrow if swapping the kernel doesn't help, but I'm 
not holding out much hope - an Athlon 2000 really shouldn't have problems 
handling 1 phone line, and even if it does it shouldn't bring down the 
entire machine in the process.

- -- 

 - Steve         Jabber: firefury at sucs.org     Web: http://www.nexusuk.org/

     Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

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