[Asterisk-Users] TDM switching between Digium TE410P ports

Jan Baumann asterisk at cyberways.net
Wed Jan 14 06:52:44 MST 2004


I am currently thinking of a new asterisk server equiped with a Digium 
TE410P card and want to

- terminate two E1 PRIs from different carriers with different prefixes
   and possibly clocking (+49 xxx abcde-yy and +49 xxx fghij-yy).
- TDM switch data and modem calls arriving on the PRI trunks for
   ext. 9xx to the third E1 port of the Digium to a Cisco 3640 or AS5300
   access-server for ISDN/modem PPP dialup termination while retaining
   the dialed number.
- use the remaining ext. -100 to -899 for SIP phones, FXS ports, etc.
   with outbound least cost routing between the trunks based on dialed
   number and time of day (should be no problem)

I would very much appreciate to know if someone of you has done these 
kind of things already, especially switching ISDN data and modem calls 
from a CPE-side PRI to a Network-side PRI port on the same Digium 
TE410P. Switchtype for all ports will be NET5/euroISDN.

Many Thanks,
Jan Baumann

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