[Asterisk-Users] Simple Front Gate Intercom

Greg Kedrovsky greg at iglesia-del-este.com
Thu Feb 26 09:41:25 MST 2004

On Thu, Feb 26, 2004 at 11:16:19AM -0500, Jon Pounder wrote:
> (at my door you can knock, ring a doorbell, or pick up the door phone -
> you would be surprised how many people knock. Probably there are some that
> are scared off entirely that I don't even know about.)

It seems to me that placing a standard analog phone out there would be
the cheapest way around this issue (which seems to be what you just
explained to me). I already have the junker phone, and it's configured
to ring distinctively when the handset is raised. I can also dial it and
ring the phone, like you said. 

But... my wife wants an "intercom." So, I'll probably hunt down one of
those nice, 200-dollar Viking jobs that's basically a telephone that
looks like an intercom. Best of both worlds. The only ouch is the
stinkin price tag.



Mutt 1.4.1i on Slackware 9.1 Linux
Curridabat, San Jose, Costa Rica
Yahoo Instant Messenger ID: gregkedro

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