[Asterisk-Users] TDM card loses Dial tone

Youness El Andaloussi Youness at ElAndaloussi.net
Thu Feb 12 15:19:47 MST 2004

I experienced similar problems too with a 4 chan tdm400. This seems to 
especially happen when you make configuration changes. It has nothing to do 
with runing X or no, it does not even have to do with redhat... I 
experienced the same problem on mandrake.

One thing you have to be extra careful is when restarting, make sure that 
all the modules have entirely reloaded before expecting a dialtone with an 
asterisk debug console "asterisk -rvvvv"... many of the times I thought 
there was no dialtone and the asterisk process had gone cukoo, I noticed 
that configuration was not entirely reload.

Yet, reloading many times seems to get some of the TDM400 channels 
hung.  On the other hand, this problem does not seem to happen as 
extensively when no reloads are made


At 17:54 11/02/2004, you wrote:
>"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:w = 
>I have had similar issues with mine TDM400 w/4 modules. I get both no dial 
>tone and sometime a large level of static on the port and although 
>sometimes manually unloading and reloading the drivers will correct the 
>problem most of the time I have to reboot the system. Also, do you get 
>messages like below in your messages log?
>Sorry no answer but it seems we may be having similar problems.
>I have a redhat 9 asterisk server with tdm400p three ports, and a x100p 
>installed at home. I am not running X or framebuffers. Every so often like 
>once a month, I lose dial tone on my channels.

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