[Asterisk-Users] call initiation

Roger grunky at rockriver.net
Fri Apr 23 13:36:36 MST 2004

Steven Critchfield wrote:

>I'm assuming you mean asterisk when you say pbx, 
Since this is the asterisk mailing list - yes.

>and I am assuming you
>mean SIP phones from the 'send' or 'dial' comment.
Yes.  That I should of specified.

>This sounds like a problem with the dialplan in the individual phones.
>So depending on what kind of phone you have, you will have to configure
>it differently. 
Outch configuration on a per phone - or per phone class would really stink.

>Even if this is an asterisk thing, it would be in your dialplan. You
>have configured it to match the longer sequences, but not the shorter
I've put in -

exten => _[0-8]XX,1,Dial(SIP/${ARG1},20|r)

This didn't work.

Rock River Internet                          Roger Grunkemeyer
202 W. State St, 8th Floor                grunky at rockriver.net
Rockford, IL 61101                           815-968-9888 x101

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