[Asterisk-Users] Controlling asterisk in a dynamic way

Adam Hart adam at teragen.com.au
Wed Nov 19 22:37:08 MST 2003

MessageI've always been keen for XmlRpc interface, currently I have no need
(hence cbf'd writing it) but wouldn't be a hard task. This would allow easy
development of any tools to admin asterisk. (eg 3 lines of code to call a
xmlrpc function in php).

In response to your question, I believe there's some tools to view current
calls but not to redirect them, google for them.

>Hi !
>I'm just wondering if it is possible to control asterisk in a dynamic way,
such as, for example, signal to asterisk to give
>info about callers that are queued ( like in a hotline, everybody is queued
until somebody take their call), and
>explicitly signal asterisks to redirect a particular call to a computer
through VoIP ( imagine a hotliner choosing a call
>from a list of waiting calls and getting this one on his Computer >through
>I found information about dialplans | but they are all static ( conf
files), we would like them to be "user controlled",
>that is, a user can get the waiting call list at any time, and explicitly
take one particular call.
>Thanks for your help !

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