[Asterisk-Users] Grandstream Quality Survey.... :P

Andres andres at telesip.net
Wed Dec 24 15:30:06 MST 2003

We bought 50 of these phones and deployed them at customer sites.  But after 4 
months of operation we have decided that they are completely unfit for our 
use.  The have many bugs.  The worst one is the one where the phone stops 
registering, others include: web page dies, numerous break in the SIP 
protocol, breaks in the UDP stack, problems with STUN operation, charging for 
GAPS!, etc...

As a service provider the cost of hiring extra people to attend the increased 
workload of technical support to customers, far outweighs the $65 price.  On 
the other hand we have most of our customers using the ATA186 and even though 
it costs 2X of what the Grandsrtream does, it is cheaper for us to support.  
And add to the fact that ATA186 customers are extremely happy with our 
service but Grandstream ones are at times infuriated.

These phones might work fine for a small office but do not scale well with the 
requirements of a service provider.  We are now pulling them all out of our 
network and will be dumping them on eBay.  We are beginning our tests with 
the SPA2000.


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