[asterisk-doc] I am new to asterisk..Please help me..

Austin Denyer adenyer at ekn.com
Wed Jul 12 10:57:36 MST 2006

Jim Van Meggelen wrote:
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Tilghman Lesher [mailto:tilghman at mail.jeffandtilghman.com] 
>>I think the biggest criticism that I can level is that it was 
>>very clear from the writing that chapters were written at 
>>different times in the development process, so while one 
>>chapter was a good description about how things worked in 
>>1.0, a different chapter would have new and interesting 
>>things in 1.2.  The book reads as if you finished each 
>>chapter as a work unto itself, and when each was done, you 
>>never went back to revise it.  Hence, the book has a feel of 
>>a collection of articles about Asterisk, rather than a unified work.
> An interesting observation. Another factor was that the chapters were
> written by different authors, and yes, at different times.

The problem is that Asterisk is such a rapidly moving target.  Let's
face it, just keeping web-based info up-to-date is tough.  Throw in the
delay that printing a publication such as TFoT in paper book format
introduces, and you're fighting a lost cause.

For what it's worth, I think Jim, Leif and Jared did a fantastic job
with the book under the circumstances.

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