[asterisk-doc] I am new to asterisk..Please help me..

R. Resnick randulo at ssl-mail.com
Tue Jul 11 06:38:11 MST 2006

Jim Van Meggelen wrote:
> What you are seeing is very similar to the evolution of the Internet. It
> will take a few years before the barriers to entry are lowered. This is
> primarily because most people only talk about what needs to be done; very
> few actually do anything.

What I am seeing is that you guys are (mostly) still alive! :) This is
about the quietest list in the civilized world.

Since you mention the evolution of the net, Jim, ("damn it Jim, I'm just
a country doctor, not a programmer") the web has very much become a huge
collaborative project; post your photos, your videos, your life and your
geeky software for all to see and comment on. There's already a preety
consequential amount of data on asterisk, but not centralized except for
the wiki which, as we all know, is spotty in its coverage.

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