[Asterisk-doc] docs appendix03.xml,1.20,1.21 chapter01.xml,1.4,1.5 chapter02.xml,1.6,1.7 chapter03.xml,1.4,1.5 chapter04.xml,1.2,1.3 chapter06.xml,1.6,1.7 chapter07.xml,1.9,1.10 words.list,1.2,1.3

websmith asterisk-doc@lists.digium.com
Fri, 2 Jan 2004 23:01:58 +0000

Update of /cvsroot/asterisk/docs
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv13180

Modified Files:
	appendix03.xml chapter01.xml chapter02.xml chapter03.xml 
	chapter04.xml chapter06.xml chapter07.xml words.list 
Log Message:
More spell checking, and adding a few more words to the words.list file.
Index: appendix03.xml
RCS file: /cvsroot/asterisk/docs/appendix03.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.20
retrieving revision 1.21
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*** appendix03.xml	2 Jan 2004 03:02:10 -0000	1.20
--- appendix03.xml	2 Jan 2004 23:01:52 -0000	1.21
*** 55,59 ****
! 	<function>AgentCallBackLogin()</function> logs an agent into an
  	extension within a given context. The context i
  	<emphasis role="strong">must</emphasis> be specified. All other 
--- 55,59 ----
! 	<function>AgentCallbackLogin()</function> logs an agent into an
  	extension within a given context. The context i
  	<emphasis role="strong">must</emphasis> be specified. All other 
*** 61,65 ****
! 	When <function>AgentCallBackLogin()</function> is used, calls to the 
  	agent will be proxied by way of the Local channel, so that only one 
  	call from the queue can arrive at the agent's phone at a time.
--- 61,65 ----
! 	When <function>AgentCallbackLogin()</function> is used, calls to the 
  	agent will be proxied by way of the Local channel, so that only one 
  	call from the queue can arrive at the agent's phone at a time.
*** 283,287 ****
! <formalpara><title>DBdeltree: Delete a family or keytree from the database</title>
--- 283,287 ----
! <formalpara><title>DBdeltree: Delete a family or key tree from the database</title>
*** 289,293 ****
! 	Deletes a family or keytree from the Asterisk
  	database.  Always returns 0.
--- 289,293 ----
! 	Deletes a family or key tree from the Asterisk
  	database.  Always returns 0.
*** 444,453 ****
  	Allows someone from outside
! 	the telephone switch (PBX) to obtain an "internal" system dialtone
  	and to place calls from it as if they were placing a call from within
  	the switch. A user calls a number that connects to the DISA application
! 	and is given dialtone. The user enters their passcode, followed by the
  	pound sign (#). If the passcode is correct, the user is then given
! 	system dialtone on which a call may be placed. Obviously, this type
  	of access has <emphasis role="strong">SERIOUS</emphasis> security 
  	implications, and <emphasis role="strong">GREAT</emphasis> care must be
--- 444,453 ----
  	Allows someone from outside
! 	the telephone switch (PBX) to obtain an "internal" system dial tone
  	and to place calls from it as if they were placing a call from within
  	the switch. A user calls a number that connects to the DISA application
! 	and is given dial tone. The user enters their passcode, followed by the
  	pound sign (#). If the passcode is correct, the user is then given
! 	system dial tone on which a call may be placed. Obviously, this type
  	of access has <emphasis role="strong">SERIOUS</emphasis> security 
  	implications, and <emphasis role="strong">GREAT</emphasis> care must be
*** 485,489 ****
  	lines, or comments starting with "#" or ";". In addition, the
  	above arguments may have |new-callerid-string appended to them, to
! 	specify a new (different) callerid to be used for this call, for
--- 485,489 ----
  	lines, or comments starting with "#" or ";". In addition, the
  	above arguments may have |new-callerid-string appended to them, to
! 	specify a new (different) CallerID to be used for this call, for
*** 501,505 ****
  	Note that in the case of specifying the numeric-passcode, 
! 	the context must be specified if the callerid is specified also.
--- 501,505 ----
  	Note that in the case of specifying the numeric-passcode, 
! 	the context must be specified if the CallerID is specified also.
*** 823,827 ****
! 	Generate a Constant 1000Hz tone at 0dbm (mu-law)
--- 823,827 ----
! 	Generate a Constant 1000Hz tone at 0dBm (mu-law)
*** 1100,1104 ****
  	Records from the current channel into the given <replaceable>filename</replaceable>. 
  	If the file exists it will be overwritten. The <replaceable>extension</replaceable>
! 	is the extension of the file type to be recorded (wav, gsm, etc).
  	The <replaceable>silence</replaceable> argument is the number of seconds of 
  	silence to allow before returning.
--- 1100,1104 ----
  	Records from the current channel into the given <replaceable>filename</replaceable>. 
  	If the file exists it will be overwritten. The <replaceable>extension</replaceable>
! 	is the extension of the file type to be recorded (wav, GSM, etc).
  	The <replaceable>silence</replaceable> argument is the number of seconds of 
  	silence to allow before returning.
*** 1393,1397 ****
! <formalpara><title>SIPDtmfMode: Change the dtmfmode for a SIP call</title>
--- 1393,1397 ----
! <formalpara><title>SIPDtmfMode: Change the DTMF mode for a SIP call</title>
*** 1399,1403 ****
! 	Changes the dtmfmode for a SIP call
--- 1399,1403 ----
! 	Changes the DTMF mode for a SIP call
*** 1575,1579 ****
  	if it exists.  If the extension is preceded by a <replaceable>b</replaceable> 
! 	then the the busy message will be played (that is, busy instead of unavail).
  	If the requested mailbox does not exist, and there exists a priority
  	n + 101, then that priority will be taken next.
--- 1575,1579 ----
  	if it exists.  If the extension is preceded by a <replaceable>b</replaceable> 
! 	then the the busy message will be played (that is, busy instead of unavailable).
  	If the requested mailbox does not exist, and there exists a priority
  	n + 101, then that priority will be taken next.
*** 1670,1674 ****
  			causes Zapateller to only play the tone if there
! 			is no callerid information available.  
--- 1670,1674 ----
  			causes Zapateller to only play the tone if there
! 			is no CallerID information available.  
Index: chapter01.xml
RCS file: /cvsroot/asterisk/docs/chapter01.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.4
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*** chapter01.xml	2 Jan 2004 01:40:57 -0000	1.4
--- chapter01.xml	2 Jan 2004 23:01:52 -0000	1.5
*** 269,273 ****
  					<listitem><para>early B3 connects</para></listitem>
  					<listitem><para>native ISDN indications</para></listitem>
! 					<listitem><para>CD, HOLD, RETRIEVE, ECT</para></listitem>
  					<listitem><para>overlap sending (dialtone)</para></listitem>
  					<listitem><para>DID on P2P</para></listitem>
--- 269,273 ----
  					<listitem><para>early B3 connects</para></listitem>
  					<listitem><para>native ISDN indications</para></listitem>
! 					<listitem><para>CD, HOLD, RETRIEVE, etc.</para></listitem>
  					<listitem><para>overlap sending (dialtone)</para></listitem>
  					<listitem><para>DID on P2P</para></listitem>
Index: chapter02.xml
RCS file: /cvsroot/asterisk/docs/chapter02.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
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*** chapter02.xml	2 Jan 2004 01:40:57 -0000	1.6
--- chapter02.xml	2 Jan 2004 23:01:52 -0000	1.7
*** 119,123 ****
  				- readline and the readline development packages (on RedHat, it's 
  				readline and readline-devel)
! 				- openssl and openssl development packages (on RedHat, it's openssl 
  				and openssl-devel)
  				- Linux kernel 2.4.x and the Linux Kernel Source package (on RedHat, 
--- 119,123 ----
  				- readline and the readline development packages (on RedHat, it's 
  				readline and readline-devel)
! 				- OpenSSL and OpenSSL development packages (on RedHat, it's openssl 
  				and openssl-devel)
  				- Linux kernel 2.4.x and the Linux Kernel Source package (on RedHat, 
*** 370,374 ****
  		<title>Configuring Autostart w/ safe_asterisk</title>
! 			<title>Linux Runlevels (the init sequence)</title>
--- 370,374 ----
  		<title>Configuring Autostart w/ safe_asterisk</title>
! 			<title>Linux Run-levels (the init sequence)</title>
Index: chapter03.xml
RCS file: /cvsroot/asterisk/docs/chapter03.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
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*** chapter03.xml	30 Dec 2003 02:08:27 -0000	1.4
--- chapter03.xml	2 Jan 2004 23:01:52 -0000	1.5
*** 118,122 ****
! 				Just restart * or load the isdn module with:
--- 118,122 ----
! 				Just restart * or load the ISDN module with:
*** 124,128 ****
! 				If everything worked fine you are now able to use your isdn card with asterisk.
--- 124,128 ----
! 				If everything worked fine you are now able to use your ISDN card with asterisk.
*** 159,164 ****
! 				Please remember, a timing device is CRITICAL for meetme to work, timing
! 				can be had from any of the following (they give 1000hz, i.e. 1 timing
  				point ever millisecond, thus 1000 ticks per second)
--- 159,164 ----
! 				Please remember, a timing device is CRITICAL for MeetMe to work, timing
! 				can be had from any of the following (they give 1000Hz, i.e. 1 timing
  				point ever millisecond, thus 1000 ticks per second)
Index: chapter04.xml
RCS file: /cvsroot/asterisk/docs/chapter04.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -C2 -d -r1.2 -r1.3
*** chapter04.xml	12 Dec 2003 22:02:45 -0000	1.2
--- chapter04.xml	2 Jan 2004 23:01:52 -0000	1.3
*** 5,9 ****
  		Asterisk supports advanced scripting with an interface known 
! 		as AGI.  AGI allows your dialplans to do things such as
  		query an external database, lookup weather reports, etc.
  		that would normally be impossible without writing your own
--- 5,9 ----
  		Asterisk supports advanced scripting with an interface known 
! 		as AGI.  AGI allows your dial plans to do things such as
  		query an external database, lookup weather reports, etc.
  		that would normally be impossible without writing your own
Index: chapter06.xml
RCS file: /cvsroot/asterisk/docs/chapter06.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
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*** chapter06.xml	2 Jan 2004 01:40:57 -0000	1.6
--- chapter06.xml	2 Jan 2004 23:01:52 -0000	1.7
*** 44,48 ****
  				; ringall - ring all available channels until one answers (default)
  				; roundrobin - take turns ringing each available interface
! 				; leastrecent - ring interface which was least recently called by this que
  				; fewestcalls - ring the one with fewest completed calls from this queue
  				; random - ring random interface
--- 44,48 ----
  				; ringall - ring all available channels until one answers (default)
  				; roundrobin - take turns ringing each available interface
! 				; leastrecent - ring interface which was least recently called by this queue
  				; fewestcalls - ring the one with fewest completed calls from this queue
  				; random - ring random interface
*** 106,110 ****
! 				; Automatic logoff if an agent rings for too long, in seconds. 
  				; This is not useful for AgentLogin, because calls are automatically
  				; answered.
--- 106,110 ----
! 				; Automatic log-off if an agent rings for too long, in seconds. 
  				; This is not useful for AgentLogin, because calls are automatically
  				; answered.
*** 170,174 ****
! 				Well, we all know ethernet right? Its probably the most popular network
  				infrastructure on Layer2 that the IP world knows. Time-division
  				multiplexing (TDM) puts multiple data streams in a single signal by
--- 170,174 ----
! 				Well, we all know Ethernet right? Its probably the most popular network
  				infrastructure on Layer2 that the IP world knows. Time-division
  				multiplexing (TDM) puts multiple data streams in a single signal by
*** 208,212 ****
  				# of channels, and &lt;timing&gt; is a timing priority, like for a normal span.
  				# use "0" to not use this as a timing source, or prioritize them as
! 				# primary, secondard, etc.  Note that you MUST have a REAL zaptel device
  				# if you are not using external timing.
--- 208,212 ----
  				# of channels, and &lt;timing&gt; is a timing priority, like for a normal span.
  				# use "0" to not use this as a timing source, or prioritize them as
! 				# primary, secondary, etc.  Note that you MUST have a REAL zaptel device
  				# if you are not using external timing.
*** 217,222 ****
! 					<listitem><para>First you define the driver (which is eth for ethernet)</para></listitem>
! 					<listitem><para>Second is the driver dependent address (REMOTE nic MAC address)</para></listitem>
  					<listitem><para>Third is the number of channels to be configured</para></listitem>
  					<listitem><para>And, lastly, what sort of timing to provide</para></listitem>
--- 217,222 ----
! 					<listitem><para>First you define the driver (which is eth for Ethernet)</para></listitem>
! 					<listitem><para>Second is the driver dependent address (REMOTE NIC MAC address)</para></listitem>
  					<listitem><para>Third is the number of channels to be configured</para></listitem>
  					<listitem><para>And, lastly, what sort of timing to provide</para></listitem>
*** 241,245 ****
  				The sub address is optional, and allows you to define more than one span
! 				on a single eth interface / macaddress pair
--- 241,245 ----
  				The sub address is optional, and allows you to define more than one span
! 				on a single eth interface / mac address pair
*** 251,258 ****
! 				You can configure signalling and all just as though they were T1's or
  				E1's, so you can run RBS or you can run PRI or whatever, they even
  				generate RED and YELLOW alarm just like real T1's and E1's. We're still
! 				debating whether you can run ccs on it.
--- 251,258 ----
! 				You can configure signaling and all just as though they were T1's or
  				E1's, so you can run RBS or you can run PRI or whatever, they even
  				generate RED and YELLOW alarm just like real T1's and E1's. We're still
! 				debating whether you can run CCS on it.
*** 263,268 ****
! 				Remember that TDMoE works at the ethernet layer, all you need to configure
! 				is MAC addresses and ethernet interfaces.... so in theory you could TDMoE
  				over 802.11 (low-cost last mile) or CIPE (encrypted PRI), the possibilities
  				are limitless (well as limitless as csmacd can get)... IP does not come
--- 263,268 ----
! 				Remember that TDMoE works at the Ethernet layer, all you need to configure
! 				is MAC addresses and Ethernet interfaces.... so in theory you could TDMoE
  				over 802.11 (low-cost last mile) or CIPE (encrypted PRI), the possibilities
  				are limitless (well as limitless as csmacd can get)... IP does not come
*** 278,282 ****
! 				merry has an X100P in it and a nic, pippin just has a nic
--- 278,282 ----
! 				merry has an X100P in it and a NIC, pippin just has a NIC
*** 286,291 ****
  				fxsls=1                                 <lineannotation># this be the X100P</lineannotation>
! 				dynamic=eth,eth0/00:D0:B7:89:E3:86,30,0 <lineannotation># put the MAC of pippin nic here</lineannotation>
! 				e&amp;m=2-31                            <lineannotation># you can use ANY signalling</lineannotation>
--- 286,291 ----
  				fxsls=1                                 <lineannotation># this be the X100P</lineannotation>
! 				dynamic=eth,eth0/00:D0:B7:89:E3:86,30,0 <lineannotation># put the MAC of pippin NIC here</lineannotation>
! 				e&amp;m=2-31                            <lineannotation># you can use ANY signaling</lineannotation>
*** 296,300 ****
  				dynamic=eth,eth0/00:50:FC:65:33:A1,30,1		<lineannotation># note the timing "1", merry's mac</lineannotation>
! 				e&amp;m=1-30					<lineannotation># same signalling as merry</lineannotation>
--- 296,300 ----
  				dynamic=eth,eth0/00:50:FC:65:33:A1,30,1		<lineannotation># note the timing "1", merry's mac</lineannotation>
! 				e&amp;m=1-30					<lineannotation># same signaling as merry</lineannotation>
*** 308,312 ****
! 				signalling=em
--- 308,312 ----
! 				signaling=em
*** 317,321 ****
! 				signalling=em
--- 317,321 ----
! 				signaling=em
*** 351,357 ****
! 				TODO: multiple ethernet cards (local and remote), other signalling
  				examples, dummy eth driver to loopback test, caveats, benefits of TDMoE,
! 				comparison of various signalling, cook dinner
--- 351,357 ----
! 				TODO: multiple Ethernet cards (local and remote), other signaling
  				examples, dummy eth driver to loopback test, caveats, benefits of TDMoE,
! 				comparison of various signaling, cook dinner
*** 370,374 ****
  				ENUM is a telephony technology that may single-handedly create the greatest changes 
! 				in both internet telephony as well as regular telephone service.  In a nutshell, ENUM 
  				is a technology which allows users of disparate networks and technologies to call each 
  				other through the use of a common routing database.  This database is stored in DNS 
--- 370,374 ----
  				ENUM is a telephony technology that may single-handedly create the greatest changes 
! 				in both Internet telephony as well as regular telephone service.  In a nutshell, ENUM 
  				is a technology which allows users of disparate networks and technologies to call each 
  				other through the use of a common routing database.  This database is stored in DNS 
*** 396,407 ****
  				Imagine you're the phone company, and you want to offer a new service that allows a 
  				single phone number (say, your home number) to ring multiple phones at once.  
! 				With ENUM, this is painfully simple.  You would simply create multiple enum entries 
  				for the same number, and increment the priority in the NAPTR line (For hints on how 
! 				NAPTR's work, check the BIND/DNS documentation.)
  				For most users, though, ENUM has an even more useful implication:  Free long distance 
! 				calling over the internet.  Take 
  				<ulink url="http://enum.fierymoon.com">http://enum.fierymoon.com</ulink> , a production 
  				ENUM registry and database.  By simply adding what exchanges your system can call 
--- 396,407 ----
  				Imagine you're the phone company, and you want to offer a new service that allows a 
  				single phone number (say, your home number) to ring multiple phones at once.  
! 				With ENUM, this is painfully simple.  You would simply create multiple ENUM entries 
  				for the same number, and increment the priority in the NAPTR line (For hints on how 
! 				NATPRs work, check the BIND/DNS documentation.)
  				For most users, though, ENUM has an even more useful implication:  Free long distance 
! 				calling over the Internet.  Take 
  				<ulink url="http://enum.fierymoon.com">http://enum.fierymoon.com</ulink> , a production 
  				ENUM registry and database.  By simply adding what exchanges your system can call 
*** 413,422 ****
  				As an example, let's take John Q. Public, who's recently moved to India to follow a tech 
  				job.  He has family back in Seattle that he wishes he could talk to on a daily basis.  
! 				Before, he would have to have either an expensive calling card, or some other homebrew 
! 				solution for point-to-point internet dialing.  Now, with the beauty of ENUM, John can use 
  				enum.fierymoon.com with his hobby asterisk box to see if there is an ENUM entry in Seattle.  
  				Let's say that Mike Hunt has a T1 in Seattle and seldom uses it after hours - he can set up 
  				his ENUM records to let everyone who uses the ENUM database utilize his local calling area.  
! 				Suddenly John Q. is making his calls to family and friends for only the cost of his internet 
--- 413,422 ----
  				As an example, let's take John Q. Public, who's recently moved to India to follow a tech 
  				job.  He has family back in Seattle that he wishes he could talk to on a daily basis.  
! 				Before, he would have to have either an expensive calling card, or some other home brew 
! 				solution for point-to-point Internet dialing.  Now, with the beauty of ENUM, John can use 
  				enum.fierymoon.com with his hobby asterisk box to see if there is an ENUM entry in Seattle.  
  				Let's say that Mike Hunt has a T1 in Seattle and seldom uses it after hours - he can set up 
  				his ENUM records to let everyone who uses the ENUM database utilize his local calling area.  
! 				Suddenly John Q. is making his calls to family and friends for only the cost of his Internet 
*** 525,529 ****
  					<para>Configure your extensions.conf to have a context specifically for 
! 					allowing ENUM dialout.</para>
--- 525,529 ----
  					<para>Configure your extensions.conf to have a context specifically for 
! 					allowing ENUM dial-out.</para>
*** 535,539 ****
  				(As a note, I believe that Asterisk only supports IAX2 and SIP as well as PSTN 
! 				for the URI's enum will return - I cannot be 100% sure of this so anyone in-the-know 
  				is free to correct me)  In our examples, we will be using an IAX2 user for 
  				receiving our calls.
--- 535,539 ----
  				(As a note, I believe that Asterisk only supports IAX2 and SIP as well as PSTN 
! 				for the URIs ENUM will return - I cannot be 100% sure of this so anyone in-the-know 
  				is free to correct me)  In our examples, we will be using an IAX2 user for 
  				receiving our calls.
*** 619,623 ****
  					After a reload of asterisk, your box should be ready to receive calls via 
! 					IAX2 with username "enumuser", with calls bound to context "enumloc" - your 
  					lookups should make sure the call is local to you, and then pass it along.
--- 619,623 ----
  					After a reload of asterisk, your box should be ready to receive calls via 
! 					IAX2 with user name "enumuser", with calls bound to context "enumloc" - your 
  					lookups should make sure the call is local to you, and then pass it along.
Index: chapter07.xml
RCS file: /cvsroot/asterisk/docs/chapter07.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -C2 -d -r1.9 -r1.10
*** chapter07.xml	2 Jan 2004 02:04:18 -0000	1.9
--- chapter07.xml	2 Jan 2004 23:01:52 -0000	1.10
*** 426,432 ****
! 				Most people who configure echotraining correctly will never hear echo in 
  				their calls again.  The echo canceler works nearly instantaneously in 
! 				echotraining mode.
--- 426,432 ----
! 				Most people who configure echo training correctly will never hear echo in 
  				their calls again.  The echo canceler works nearly instantaneously in 
! 				echo training mode.
*** 468,472 ****
  				Don't be discouraged if someone does not immediately answer your
  				questions.  Sometimes questions will not be answered if a simple
! 				google search can solve your issue.
--- 468,472 ----
  				Don't be discouraged if someone does not immediately answer your
  				questions.  Sometimes questions will not be answered if a simple
! 				Google search can solve your issue.
*** 494,498 ****
! 				The normal rules of internet etiquette apply:  please do not use
  				ALL CAPS (which indicates yelling), do not use excessively foul
  				language directed at another person in the channel, and overall,
--- 494,498 ----
! 				The normal rules of Internet etiquette apply:  please do not use
  				ALL CAPS (which indicates yelling), do not use excessively foul
  				language directed at another person in the channel, and overall,
Index: words.list
RCS file: /cvsroot/asterisk/docs/words.list,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -C2 -d -r1.2 -r1.3
*** words.list	2 Jan 2004 05:50:44 -0000	1.2
--- words.list	2 Jan 2004 23:01:52 -0000	1.3
*** 1,3 ****
! personal_ws-1.1 en 274
--- 1,3 ----
! personal_ws-1.1 en 277
*** 28,32 ****
! gsm
--- 28,32 ----
*** 37,46 ****
- literallayout
- isdn
--- 37,44 ----
*** 97,100 ****
--- 95,99 ----
+ Kapejod's
*** 130,141 ****
! openssl
- devel
--- 129,140 ----
! OpenSSL
+ devel
*** 166,172 ****
- Cisco
- tmp
--- 165,171 ----
+ tmp
+ Cisco
*** 217,220 ****
--- 216,220 ----
+ endian
*** 224,227 ****
--- 224,228 ----
+ Versioning
*** 245,252 ****
--- 246,255 ----
+ initscript
+ untar