[asterisk-dev] Small changes to app_meetme

Dan Austin Dan_Austin at Phoenix.com
Thu Feb 18 15:58:02 CST 2010

Tilghman wrote:
> On Thursday 18 February 2010 13:17:30 Dan Austin wrote:
>> I have been maintaining a package that allows for scheduling
>> MeetMe conferences.  During the ramp up to 1.6 I worked on
>> porting the scheduling logic out of a separate application into
>> app_meetme and these changes were graciously accepted (thanks).
>> I've held off releasing an update for this package, as each release of
>> 1.6 was still not quite ready to support realtime meetme, that was until
>> 1.6.2.
>> Testers have pointed out a couple of small issues-
>> 1.        Pinless conferences will not load flags from the RealTime engine.
>> This is a minor oversight and requires a six-ish line patch to fix,
>> which would load the non-admin flags (options) if no pin was set.
>> Before I produce the path- Bug or feature?

> If somebody can reasonably expect the behavior (and I would), it's a bug.

I was hoping that would be the case.  Patch uploaded against bug id 16866

>> 2.       The package I maintain includes a script that uses manager events
>> to produce an application specific CDR.  If I were to add an application
>> variable (MEETMEBOOKID), I could drop the script from my package,
>> and instead include instructions on how to use the built-in CDR tools
>> to accomplish the same goal.  There is no way I can justify this as a
>> a bug fix, but I am hoping it is too small (4 lines) to be considered a
>> feature.

> There are already arbitrary CDR variables, and in 1.6.2, we have the ability
> in most CDR backends to populate those variables to the CDR database
> table.  I don't see a major issue with populating that CDR variable in 1.6.2.
> Though it's technically a feature, I don't see any possible ways that this
> could cause a regression.

I am looking to leverage those features.  The issue is that while app_meetme
uses a variable 'bookId' internally for RealTime conferences, it is not available
to at the point the CDR records are written.  I am proposing to add an new 
application variable ${MEETMEBOOKID} and set it on exit.  I don't see how it could
cause a regression either, but that may not be enough for quick inclusion...


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