[asterisk-dev] Bugs/patches 16033 and 16590 ignored forever

François Delawarde fdelawarde at wirelessmundi.com
Thu Apr 22 10:55:21 CDT 2010

On Thu, 2010-04-22 at 10:54 -0400, Leif Madsen wrote:
> The karma system wouldn't factor into how the Digium team performs
> development 
> because the issues that could potentially affect the greatest number
> of people 
> are worked on first; regardless as to who originally filed the issue.
> That's a 
> good thing because if someone new comes along and files a good report,
> and that 
> report is about something that affects a large number of users, it
> doesn't make 
> sense to sit on it just because their karma isn't as high as someone
> else :)

Not necessarily if you priorize in that way:
1. urgency / whether it affects lots of users
2. report quality
3. whether it is trivial
4. whether it includes a patch
5. karma of the reporter

It would just mean that between that a bug having a good report AND a
trusted reporter would be treated faster than a bug having just a good
report. Higher karma usually meaning less resources necessary and faster


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