[asterisk-dev] plese help

Andrew Kohlsmith akohlsmith-asterisk at benshaw.com
Thu Jul 26 20:38:09 CDT 2007

On Thursday 26 July 2007 5:44:51 pm David Boyd wrote:
> Next point the application can't really die without any errors at all.

That is completely untrue.  I've been a Linux user for over 10 years, and an 
Asterisk user and tinkerer for the last 3 or 4.  I can assure you, Asterisk 
can and does explode from time to time with absolutely NO error.  Nothing in 
the logs, nothing onscreen, NOTHING.  It's not a common thing, but it can and 
does happen.  Narrowing down which module is causing it is generally 
straightforward, but in the end core dumps or nasty-ass straceing of a 
heavily threaded app are the only ways you can resolve it.

Perfect example: chan_mobile dies without so much as a hint of a reason if 
sdpd isn't running.  This has been resolved, but it took the examination of a 
core dump to discover what was going on.  If I remember correctly even 
verbose mode didn't help.


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