[asterisk-dev] Why cut the dots

Igor Neves igor.neves at 3gnt.net
Thu May 25 04:18:42 MST 2006


Why are dots cuted in the file callerid.c, line 607?

                 case '.':
                         if (!n[x+1])
                         n[y++] = n[x];

Following this sip rfc (http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2543.html) in 
category "C.1 Basic Rules" dots are not forbidden, why do you cut them 
makes no sense to me, and in my country.

Igor Neves <igor.neves at 3gnt.net>
3GNTW - Tecnologias de Informação, Lda

  sip igor at 3gnt.net 	jid igor at jabber.3gnt.org
  icq 249075444

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