[Asterisk-Dev] multiple registrations of same credentials

Andrew Kohlsmith akohlsmith-asterisk at benshaw.com
Sat Oct 22 08:00:33 MST 2005

On Friday 21 October 2005 08:02, Jason Pyeron wrote:
> > This will be looked at after 1.2 release.
> yes, but my client needs it now.

Holy hell I hate this attitude.  You have NO idea how much.

You've been given alternatives, which you don't WANT to do, although they'd 
solve the problem just fine.  You want it to work just like something else, 
so why don't you just USE that something else?  My guess is that they got 
sick of your "But I want it THIS way!" attitude and stopped supporting you, 
so you are now here.  The same will happen here if you don't adjust your 

You've already been told that is not how it works here due to architecture 
fundamentals.  This is unacceptable to you, so I suggest you break out your 
programmer hat and do it yourself.  It won't make it back into the public 
tree due the architecture differences already mentioned, but hey you've GOT 
to have it so you'll be able to allocate resources to keep it in sync with 
Asterisk's other feature developments.  If you're incapable, break out your 
wallet and post a sizeable bounty.  If you're still incapable, it can't be 
done, and no amount of "but it works this way on some other system" and "But 
I need it for a client NOW" will change that.

Asterisk and the Asterisk community doesn't owe you ANYTHING.  Please lose 
this entitlement attitude you've got.


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