[OT] Re: [Asterisk-Dev] multiple registrations of same credentials

Steven critch at basesys.com
Sat Oct 22 09:12:47 MST 2005

On Sat, 2005-10-22 at 11:00 -0400, Andrew Kohlsmith wrote:
> On Friday 21 October 2005 08:02, Jason Pyeron wrote:
> > > This will be looked at after 1.2 release.
> > yes, but my client needs it now.
> Holy hell I hate this attitude.  You have NO idea how much.
> You've been given alternatives, which you don't WANT to do, although they'd 
> solve the problem just fine.  You want it to work just like something else, 
> so why don't you just USE that something else?  My guess is that they got 
> sick of your "But I want it THIS way!" attitude and stopped supporting you, 
> so you are now here.  The same will happen here if you don't adjust your 
> attitude.


> Asterisk and the Asterisk community doesn't owe you ANYTHING.  Please lose 
> this entitlement attitude you've got.

Am I a bad influence on some people, or do I just have one of the
shorter fuses? Of course this is worded better than what I normally

I'm off to go back to Phreaknic now.
Steven Critchfield
critch at basesys.com

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