[Asterisk-Dev] Re: is this a bug?

Tom Ivar Helbekkmo tih at eunetnorge.no
Wed Jan 26 23:16:06 MST 2005

Matt Riddell <matt.riddell at sineapps.com> writes:

> What I'm saying is that I only run Asterisk with -c (I.E. without a 
> running instance and -r) when I'm debugging something or starting up 
> asterisk for the first few times.

Same here.

> After that I run it with safe_asterisk.

Ah.  The script that starts Asterisk in its own virtual console, with
'-c', so that newbies learn that good Asterisk administration involves
doing interactive work in that console.  This, of course, works great,
until their fingers slip while doing (ctrl-based) command line editing,
accidentally hit ^C, and Asterisk immediately drops everything and
quits, no questions asked.  To add insult to injury, this is the same
application that had already responded to their beginner's attempts to
exit using 'exit' and 'quit' with "user friendly" explanations of how
those commands shouldn't be used for stopping Asterisk, so please
always use STOP instead...  ;-)

Tom Ivar Helbekkmo, Senior System Administrator, EUnet Norway Hosting
www.eunet.no  T +47-22092958 M +47-93013940 F +47-22092901 FWD 484145

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