[Asterisk-Dev] Cisco 7914 Potentially Available for chan_sccp developers

Jan Czmok czmok at gatel.net
Mon Oct 4 10:26:55 MST 2004

Bryan Vyhmeister (asterisk at bsdjournal.net) wrote:
> Thanks for your work on chan_sccp. I have been using it with my 7920 for 
> a while now with great success until the latest cvs of asterisk where it 
> kills asterisk. I expect those kind of issues from time to time. It's 
> the price I pay for staying up to date.

Hi Bryan,

in the name of the team i say thank you for the honor :-)

We'll try to keep up to date as fast as possible...

> I noticed on the donation page that a voice router, i.e. 1751-V or 
> 1760-V with CCME is needed. Is that still the case? I had been using a 
> 1751-V to run the 7920 a little while back but I would rather that 
> chan_sccp development move forward and use the 7920 that way.

Yes it is still the case.

> Is the donation page correct about what is needed hardware wise? Is 
> anything else needed?

Needed resources are:

	- Cisco Router with Voice capability (e.g. 1751V or similar)
	- CallManager Express or CallManager (CCME should be no problem
	  with a 1751V, but memory should be upgraded to handle the ccme
	- some small donation of pizza + cola money to keep the
	  developers happy :-) [and probably their girlfriends]

In terms of phone support:

	- Cisco 7970 (some people asking for support of this phone) but
	  we're still stuck in the registation process.

	- Cisco 7912G (i suspect it's similar to the 7940/7960 code)

are still needed; we either got dumps for the other phones or even
donations and we're still engineering some of the specifics of the 
phone models.

I am currently rewriting the complete softkey handling, in terms to 
have access to Events from other Extensions (e.g. Zap/SIP/whatever).

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Jan Czmok                                  email: czmok at gatel.net

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